Women suffering from excessive hair loss need not dread their problem as they used to. With the latest personal experience of make-up artist to the stars Fanny Serrano, growing bald already comes with its own solution.
Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion is Fanny’s new champion in combatting hair loss. His own testimony backs up the claim that Novuhair is the only one that truly works: suffering from hair loss at the peak of his career, the beauty icon decided to find a way to keep his hair on, or to keep them from falling out.
But all claims of hair growth that he bought into, from those of topical ointments to ingestive supplements, proved false and ineffective. All, that is, but Novuhair.
With Novuhair, Fanny experienced a resurge in his scalp’s hair growth from only two weeks of use.
Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion is made of ingredients based in nature, such as panax ginseng, moringa oleifera, and the essence of lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, and virgin coconut. It works by improving blood circulation to the scalp and increasing nutrition to hair follicles, ultimately resulting in a growth spurt of hair.
Now baldness and excessive hair loss in women is caused by a number of different factors, ranging from hereditary factors to lifestyle.
But with Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion, the causes become secondary. You now have what’s important: the solution.
Novuhair is available at all Mercury Drug, Watson's, Rose Pharmacy, South Star, Manson, NCCC (Davao and Palawan) and Cory Quirino World of Wellness Stores nationwide, and online on
www.regaloservice.com. Call 413-6570or 0922-883-0575 and visit
www.novuhair.com for more details.
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